
Various excursions and events such as field‐study trips, special lectures by guest speakers, and symposia are organized. The Japanese student buddy program called JD‐Mates will provide WJC students the support they need to settle into life at Fukuoka Women’s University (FWU) and also opportunities to socialize with FWU students. FWU may offer scholarships to exchange students from partner universities based on each university’s exchange agreement. To apply for WJC, you must be able to provide evidence of your spoken and written command of the English language (TOEFL‐PBT score 500+). For the Japanese language and Culture Course module, the level N2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) or above is required. Short-Term International ProgramWJCThe World of Japanese Contemporary Culture Program/international/wjc.html#wjcRecognizing the importance of international education in today’s world, FWU launched the World of Japanese Contemporary Culture Program (WJC) in 2010 as a symbol of the University’s international orientation. WJC is a short‐term study abroad program designed to provide a unique educational experience focusing on Japanese culture, with instruction in English. Students may attend the program for one semester or for a full year. The curriculum for the Fall Semester (September‐February) focuses more on Japanese contemporary culture, while the Spring Semester (April‐August) offers more subjects relating to Japanese traditional culture. Japanese language classes are available at various levels and students can take classes suited to their proficiency. EATAsian Food Culture Program/international/wjc.html#eatEAT is a joint summer program organized by Ewha Womans University, Mahidol University, and FWU. In the two‐week program, students from the three universities reflect broadly on Asian food cultures, while exploring traditional and modern Asian cuisine and culture through field trips and special lectures all taught in English in Thailand, South Korea, and Japan. Summer Study ProgramsCASEUF Summer Program/international/wjc.html#caseufThe CASEUF Summer Program is designed to provide students from the CASEUF member institutions with an introduction to contemporary issues in ASEAN, EU, and Japan, and an opportunity to think about relationships among those regions in the global era. The Program is held early in August with more than 30 students participating (20 from ASEAN and EU; 10 from FWU).13Inbound

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