
?Experiential LearningFWU is organizing various experiential learning programs on‐ and off‐campus. These learning programs are designed to provide our students with a more hands‐on approach to learning that enhances practical skills and can help to resolve various practical issues related to their own lives and the lives of others, as well as local, national and international society. ?Education in the DormitoryAll FWU students live on campus for their first year, while students from overseas stay in residence for four years. This arrangement allows our students to enjoy the opportunities to communicate in foreign languages and exposes them to diverse values and ways of thinking. Living in the dormitory provides a valuable educational experience to our students that develops their independence and ability to form strong relationships with other dormitory residents, as well as cultivating cross‐cultural understanding. ?Small Class SizesMost of our classes are small‐sized. Focusing on the benefit of small classes, we provide our students with a productive learning environment that deepens learning based on a mutual understanding between teachers and students. Students are able to develop practical communication skills and skills to proactively resolve various issues through discussion with a teacher, group discussion, and delivering presentations. In addition, students’ learning is supported by a first‐year seminar, an academic advisor system, and learning portfolio that is used to visualize and monitor each student’s individual learning outcomes.?Study Abroad ExperienceWe provide our students with a wide range of long‐ and short‐term study abroad programs in collaboration with overseas partners aimed at developing a students’ global awareness. About 80% of our students participate in such programs prior to their graduation.?Communication in Foreign LanguagesThe Academic English Program, the English Village Program, a shared dormitory for international and Japanese students, and other programs are offered to develop international communication skills and competence amongst all of our students. ?Quarter SystemThe quarter system improves learning efficiency through an intensive twice‐per‐week teaching format. It can increase the flexibility of the academic calendar and encourages students to study abroad or participate in an internship program during one quarter. 05Change IndependenceWorld International - mindednessn

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