
Undergraduate and Graduate

Admission, Tuition and Scholarship for International Students

     This site is for regular international undergraduate students; for government-sponsored students, click here. For an overview of Fukuoka Women’s University, see the "FWU Start Book"below.


Outline of Fukuoka Women's University(FWU)International Entrance Examination(2025 Academic Year)

University Entrance Examination for International Students :

     Be sure to check the procedures described in the official "Exam Leaflet" (to be announced later) and refer to the table below for the process of application and selection:

Date of EnrollmentApril 2025
Major ?Department of International Liberal Arts
?Department of Environmental Science
?Department of Food and Health Sciences
Type General Entrance Examination
Number of Candidates 20(*1)
Date of Exam 15 December, 2024
Exam Location Fukuoka Women's University, Korea, Malaysia
Selection Procedure ? Short essay
? Interview
? Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students(EJU)
? English language proficiency tests(*2)
Important Notice
Application Procedure Application Procedure (PDF)
Download the following formats in applying to the relevant examination. ?Curriculum Vitae(PDF)
?Application for Certificate of Eligibility
(excel)   【SAMPLE(PDF)
?Absence Notification(PDF)

(*1)  The Number of admissions for General Screening (20 students) includes the successful candidates accepted through the Partner Institution Recommendation Screening (a few students).

(*2)  Available English language proficiency tests:
    1)EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency 
    2)TOEFL iBT 
    3)TOEIC? Listening & Reading test, TOEIC? Speaking & Writing tests
    4)GTEC (4-skill version)
    7)TEAP CBT
    8)Cambridge English Qualifications

Pre-arrival Admission Approval:

     “Pre-arrival admission approval” is a system whereby eligible applicants may take the entrance examination in their home countries and gain admission to FWU without coming to Japan prior to enrollment. Fukuoka Women’s University conducts this type of examination at four different locations: Korea (Seoul; general selection), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur; general selection and partner school recommendation selection), Vietnam (Hanoi; partner school recommendation selection) and Thailand (Bangkok; partner school recommendation selection). Applicants are judged as successful candidates for admission on the basis of their scores in ‘The Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU)’ and of FWU’s independent exam.


Entrance exam fee \5,000
Matriculation fee
Tuition fee \535,800/year (\267,900/semester)
  • FWU waives the Matriculation fee for all international students.
  • FWU offers eligible students a 'tuition fee waiver program' which exempts the half or all of the annual tuition depending on the scores of the entrance exam and, in the subsequent years,on the grade point average(GPA).
Miscellaneous dues
University Supporters’ Association Fee (Initial Fee) \40,000
University Supporters’ Association Fee (Annual Fee) \10,000
Insurance fee (4-year term) \40,060(Department of International Liberal Arts and Department of Environmental Science)
\40,130(Department of Food and Health Sciences)
※All international students are required to be covered by the "Comprehensive Insurance for Students Lives Coupled with "Gakkensai" for International Students" (abbreviated as "Inbound Supplementary Insurance"), which provides 24-hour coverage for student life.
Students’ Association (4-year term) \15,000
Total \105,060(Department of International Liberal Arts and Department of Environmental Science)
\105,130(Department of Food and Health Sciences)
Providing a room in the dormitory for all International Students

     The International Students Friendship House “NADESHIKO” is located on the campus. International Students are guaranteed a room in “NADESHIKO” for 4 years. Click here for further details.

Fee: \15,000 per month (including the cost of utilities and internet connection)


Provision of scholarships in AY 2024
     There are several scholarships offered, on a competitive policy, by the Japanese government (JASSO) and the local organizations. Students can apply for them.

Name Type of Scholarship Monthly Stipend
JASSO Monbu-kagaku-sho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students (by Pre-arrival) \48,000/month
Fukuoka (Prefecture) International Exchange Foundation Fukuoka Satooya Scholarship for International Students from Asian Nations \20,000/month
※The stipend may change depending on supporters.
Fukuoka City International Foundation Fukuoka City International Foundation Scholarship \50,000/month

※     There are also some other scholarships than the ones mentioned above, but generally 2-3 students per year are able to obtain such grants. There are also tutor systems to support International students with their studies, life in Japan and interpersonal relationships.

Financial Support for International Students:

     Tuition is reduced or exempted for international students who meet the academic performance criteria specified below:

1. Tuition reduction/exemption for first-year students is dependent on their entrance examination scores.

Full tuition exemption
※Applies to students who meet either A or B below. (Maximum 10 students)

A)     An EJU score in the top 20% of all examinees in “Japanese language” and an average score or higher in at least one other subject.

B)     A score surpassing the “full exemption” threshold for one of the English language exams indicated in the table below.

Half tuition exemption
※Applies to students who meet either A or B below. (Maximum 10 students)

A)     An EJU score in the top 30% of all examinees in “Japanese language” and an average score or higher in at least one other subject.

B)     A score surpassing the “half exemption” threshold for one of the English language exams indicated in the table below (as of April 2023).

Full exemption Half exemption
TOEFL (iBT) 72 or higher 57 or higher
TOEIC L&R, S&W 1560 or higher 1350 or higher
IELTS 5.5 or higher 4.5 or higher
GTEC 1190 or higher 1075 or higher
TEAP 309 or higher 267 or higher
TEAP CBT 600 or higher 510 or higher
Cambridge English Qualifications 160 or higher 150 or higher
Eiken 2300 or higher 2125 or higher

2. Tuition reduction/exemption for second- to fourth-year students is dependent on their academic performance in the previous semester.

Full tuition exemption

Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

Half tuition exemption

Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher but less than 3.0 and does not receive the full tuition exemption

Note 1:If there are more than ten qualified students,the tuition reducation/exemption will be granted in the order of the highest scores.

Note 2:The information above is applicable for the 2024 academic year.Please check the FWU website for updates.

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